Critical Inquiry Critical Inquiry

Dossier: Miriam Hansen

Miriam Bratu Hansen (1949–2011) was one of the great film scholars of our time.  She was also a friend and colleague to us at Critical Inquiry.  In celebration of the newly-published Cinema and Experience: Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor W. Adorno, we are proud to present this short film by Miriam's student Christina Petersen, along with a dossier of five major articles from our archives.




Five by Hansen:

“‘With Skin and Hair’: Kracauer's Theory of Film, Marseille 1940”

“Why Media Aesthetics?” 

“‘Schindler's List’ Is Not ‘Shoah’: The Second Commandment, Popular Modernism, and Public Memory”

“Benjamin and Cinema: Not a One-Way Street”

“Benjamin’s Aura”