Catherine Burdick is assistant professor of Art History at the Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile in the Facultad de Artes and CIAH (Centro de Investigación en Artes y Humanidades). She is the author of "Held Captive by Script: Interpreting 'Tagged' Prisoners in Late Classic Maya Sculpture," Ancient Mesoamerica 27 (June 2016): 31–48 and “The Remedies of the Machi: Visualizing Chilean Medicinal Botanicals in Alonso de Ovalle's Tabula geographica (1646),” Colonial Latin American Review 26 (Oct. 2017): 313–34, among other articles. She is currently a researcher for FONDEF (Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico) focusing on "Colecciones de referencia para el patrimonio construido."