Critical Inquiry Critical Inquiry

Wendy Grace

Wendy Grace is an honorary (postdoctoral) research fellow in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Western Australia (Perth). She completed her doctorate in 2010, with the thesis Michel Foucault’s Power: A History of Sexuality beyond the Desires of French Psychoanalysis, producing a summary chapter “Foucault and the Freudians,” in the Blackwell Companion to Foucault (2013). Wendy has published an article on Foucault and Deleuze, “Faux Amis: Foucault and Deleuze on Sexuality and Desire” in Critical Inquiry (2009), and has subsequently pursued the different Nietzschean approaches of Foucault and Deleuze in “Making a Difference with Nietzsche,” in a special edition of Foucault Studies (2014). Wendy’s passion for Foucault’s work extends back to her collaboration with Alec McHoul on A Foucault Primer (1992), and her current research derives from Foucault’s account of sexuality—especially concerning the scientific uncoupling of pleasure and procreation in the nineteenth century, and the possibility of recuperating Kant’s notion of teleology for a Foucauldian hermeneutics of gender in opposition to the science of sex, Freudian or Darwinian. 

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