A longtime CI contributor and member of Critical Inquiry's editorial board, Elizabeth Abel is professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of Virginia Woolf and the Fictions of Psychoanalysis (1989) and Signs of the Times: The Visual Politics of Jim Crow (2010); the editor of Writing and Sexual Difference (1982); and the coeditor of Female Subjects in Black and White (1997). “Light Rooms: Medium, Mourning, Mania” is drawn from “Woolf Tracks,” a book in progress about the unexpected afterlives of Virginia Woolf.
Critical Inquiry Autumn 2018 45.2—Light Rooms: Medium, Mourning, Mania
Critical Inquiry Winter 2008 34.2—Double Take: Photography, Cinema, and the Segregated Theater
Critical Inquiry Winter 2004 30.2—Mania, Depression, and the Future of Theory
Critical Inquiry Spring 1999 25.3—Bathroom Doors and Drinking Fountains: Jim Crow's Racial Symbolic
Critical Inquiry Spring 1993 19.3—Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the Politics of Feminist Interpretation
Critical Inquiry Winter 1981 8.2—Editor's Introduction to special issue on "Writing and Sexual Difference"
Critical Inquiry Spring 1980 6.3—Redefining the Sister Arts: Baudelaire's Response to the Art of Delacroix