Revenge Tragedy: Harriet Martineau, the Haitian Revolution, and Reparations
Corroded with SCUM: Valerie Solanas and Negative States of Mind
The Four-Color Theorem and the Aesthetics of Computational Proof
Master Meter: Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man, and the History of Lyric
Apostrophe’s Occasions: Two Postures of Abolitionist Address
Naftali Bezem on the Green Line
White Women Wondering and the Contortions of Childfree Writing
Cuteness Envy
Cavendish and the Aesthetics of Beating Spacetime
Translation as Different: A View from Linguistic Relativity
Libraries as “Academic Traffic Facilities”: Interlibrary Loan Imaginations after 1945
Portals to the Soul: Facial Recognition Technologies and Chinese Portraiture
Data Science and the Post Liberal Arts University
The planetization of machine listening
The Navigable Image: A Nautical Introduction to Computer Graphics
Thomas Hobbes, the Virginia Company, and the Invention of Corporate Sovereignty
Hate, Consent, Play
Supposing: On Variation in Picasso's Las Meninas (after Velázquez) and Shakespeare's Sonnets