Critical Inquiry Critical Inquiry

Losing Lauren Berlant

Joining the faculty in 1984, Lauren Berlant had a transformative impact on students, colleagues, and the intellectual culture at the University of Chicago—most robustly, perhaps, in the ongoing conversation named Critical Inquiry. Lauren joined the editorial collective in 1991.  The insight and creativity of Lauren’s critical thinking—about the past and about our present—proved no less field-changing in their editorial work at CI, which included three special issues: Intimacy (Winter 1998); On the Case (Summer 2007 and Autumn 2007); and Comedy, an Issue (Winter 2017, with Sianne Ngai).  Their work will continue to challenge and to inspire.

Frances Ferguson and Bill Brown, Editors



Race, Gender, and Nation in “The Color Purple” (Summer 1988)

’68, or Something (Autumn 1994)

Intimacy: A Special Issue (Winter 1998)

Sex in Public (Winter 1998, with Michael Warner)

Critical Inquiry, Affirmative Culture (Winter 2004)

On the Case (Summer 2007)

Slow Death (Sovereignty, Obesity, Lateral Agency) (Summer 2007)

Introduction: What Does It Matter Who One Is? (Autumn 2007)

Eve Sedgwick, Once More (Summer 2009)

Comedy Has Issues (Winter 2017, with Sianne Ngai)

Humorlessness (Three Monologues and a Hairpiece) (Winter 2017)



W. J. T. Mitchell's "Remembering Lauren on 28 June 2021"

Virginia Jackson’s “Triptych for Lauren

Michael Hardt’s “Love Is a Muscle

Elizabeth Freeman’s “Without You, I’m Not Necessarily Nothing

Caleb Smith’s “The Berlant Opening

Feeling Out Loud: The Affective Publics Reading Group Remembers Lauren Berlant

Kris Cohen’s “Withholding to Show Up

Dana Luciano’s “Untitled, for Lauren

Joseph J. Fischel’s “for lb

Lisa Duggan’s “On Being Difficult


Katie Stewart’s “After Lauren"

Ann Cvetkovich’s “The Unfinished Business of Lauren Berlant