Critical Inquiry Critical Inquiry

Signature Derrida

Edited by Jay Williams with an Introduction by Françoise Meltzer

Now available!

Throughout his long career, Jacques Derrida had a close, collaborative relationship with Critical Inquiry and its editors. He saved some of his most important essays for the journal, and he relished the ensuing arguments and polemics that stemmed from the responses to his writing that Critical Inquiry encouraged. Collecting the best of Derrida’s work that was published in the journal between 1980 and 2002, Signature Derrida provides a remarkable introduction to the philosopher and the evolution of his thought.

These essays define three significant “periods” in Derrida’s writing: his early, seemingly revolutionary phase; a middle stage, often autobiographical, that included spirited defense of his work; and his late period, when his persona as a public intellectual was prominent, and he wrote on topics such as animals and religion. The first period is represented by essays like “The Law of Genre,” in which Derrida produces a kind of phenomenological narratology. Another essay, “The Linguistic Circle of Geneva,” embodies the second, presenting deconstructionism at its best: Derrida shows that what was imagined to be an epistemological break in the study of linguistics was actually a repetition of earlier concepts. The final period of Derrida’s writing includes the essays “Of Spirit” and “The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow),” and three eulogies to the intellectual legacies of Michel Foucault, Louis Marin, and Emmanuel Lévinas, in which Derrida uses the ideas of each thinker to push forward the implications of their theories.

With an introduction by Françoise Meltzer that provides an overview of the oeuvre of this singular philosopher, Signature Derrida is the most wide-ranging, and thus most representative, anthology of Derrida’s work to date.



The Law of Genre (1980)

The Linguistic Circle of Geneva (1982)

Racism's Last Word (1985)

But, beyond... (Open Letter to Anne McClintock and Rob Nixon) (1986)

Like the Sound of the Sea Deep within a Shell: Paul de Man's War (1988)

Biodegradables: Seven Diary Fragments (1989)

Of Spirit (1989)

Given Time: The Time of the King (1992)

"To Do Justice to Freud": The History of Madness in the Age of Psychoanalysis (1994)

Adieu (1996)

By Force of Mourning (1996)

What Is a "Relevant" Translation? (2001)

The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow) (2002)



(click on title to download)

   I.      Jean-Marie Apostolidés

          On Paul de Man's War

 II.      Marjorie Perloff

           Response to Jacques Derrida

III.      Jonathan Culler

           Paul de Man's War and the Aesthetic Ideology

IV.      W. Wolfgang Holdheim

            Jacques Derrida's Apologia

 V.      Jon Wiener

           The Responsibilities of Friendship:

           Jacques Derrida on Paul de Man's Collaboration

VI.      John Brenkman and Jules David Law

           Resetting the Agenda