Ursula K. Heise
Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World
by Timothy Morton
June 04, 2014
Sara Castro-Klaren
Writing in the Air: Heterogeneity and the Persistence of Oral Tradition in Andean Literatures
by Antonio Cornejo Polar
June 04, 2014
Nicole Jerr
Private Lives, Public Deaths: Antigone and the Invention of Individuality
by Jonathan Strauss
June 04, 2014
Eugene Holland
Life, War, Earth: Deleuze and the Sciences
by John Protevi
June 04, 2014
Molly Warnock
Prehistoric Future: Max Ernst and the Return of Painting between the Wars
by Ralph Ubl
June 04, 2014
Patrick Jagoda
The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media
by José van Dijck
June 03, 2014